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Monday, February 6, 2017

Policy of the Month: Graduation with Honors

To be eligible for graduation with honors, a student seeking a bachelor's degree must have completed at least 54 semester credit hours preceding graduation at Texas State. Calculation of the GPA to determine honors status is based on all Texas State work applied to the first bachelor's degree, including work completed in the final semester.  Undergraduate students earning a Texas State GPA of: 

 3.40-3.59 will graduate Cum Laude;  
3.60-3.79 will graduate Magna Cum Laude;
and 3.80-4.00 will graduate Summa Cum Laude.

Hours earned through Texas State correspondence courses  and extension courses are counted in the hours required to be eligible for honors and in the GPA. Courses receiving a grade of “CR” do not count in the GPA calculation.

The full policy can be found on page 36-37 of the 2014-2016 Undergraduate Catalog.