Qualified students may receive a tuition rebate up to a
maximum of $1,000
To be eligible students must:
- Turn in the tuition rebate form (fall 2014 graduates only) by 5:00 pm on December 12, 2014 to the McCoy College Advising Center in 115 McCoy Hall
- Have enrolled for the first time in an institution of higher education in the fall 1997 semester or later
- Meet the residency requirements and paid resident tuition at all times while pursuing the degree
- Enrolled for the first time in fall 2005 or later and graduate within four calendar years from the first semester enrolled (at any institution).
- Have attempted no more than three hours in excess of the minimum number of semester credit hours required to complete the degree (i.e. 123 total attempted). Hours attempted include all transfer credits of higher education, credit by exam, courses dropped after census date, for-credit developmental courses, and repeated courses.
You can find the full
policy on page 26-27 of the 2014-2016 Undergraduate Catalog
For future graduates, the tuition rebate form must be turned into the
McCoy College Advising Center no later than the workday immediately
preceding his or her graduation.